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Investigating the Ukraine War with Change Data Capture and Open-Source Intelligence

When your organization’s data is changing constantly, you can’t afford to work with it manually. That means: No historical batch analysis on structured data that’s already out-of-date by the time it’s processed. No running the same query or looking at the same dashboard repeatedly throughout the day, hoping for a different answer. No data entry Read the full article…

Watch out for Jack of All Data implementations in database technologies. In building any technology there are always trade-offs when squeezing maximum performance out of the implementation so knowing what that guiding light is for a technology becomes very important. If you’re trying to do everything, or even too many things, odds are none if Read the full article…

Thinking in patterns is the key to interacting with a graph database like ONgDB. One of the main challenges I see with those with deep relational database experience when transitioning to a graph database is the use of a relational approach for querying data. To query a graph database most efficiently there is a need Read the full article…