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How Change Data Capture (CDC) Works within Knowledge Graphs

Collaborative knowledge graphs are an enormous step forward for knowledge workers operating as “knowledge graphs of one,” wrestling with SQL queries in an endless struggle to make sense of your organization’s data lake, or finding themselves stuck in repetitive cycles of asking technical staff to build new infrastructure to support yet another data format and Read the full article…

How textual search works in graph databases

A database, especially one full of long strings of unstructured text, is only as valuable as how easily you can search it and extract meaningful interpretations. That’s harder than ever with recent changes in how many organizations ask their teams to manage and learn from the data their functional area produces. Instead of waiting for Read the full article…

Graph-based search isn’t new – after all, most major internet search engines already use graph technology – but it hasn’t always been readily available. Twenty years ago, tech giants like Google and Facebook had to build their own graph databases from scratch. Today, developers can use graph search capabilities right out of the box – Read the full article…